When it comes to protecting your PC against malware, McAfee GetSusp is the best choice for most people. Its powerful GTI File Reputation technology tracks the files on your PC and reports suspicious elements in a ZIP file. This report contains information about the occurrence of suspicious files and the type of attack. The software is compatible with Windows XP, 2003, and Vista.
The McAfee GetSusp program is designed for users who suspect their systems may contain undetected malware. This product takes the guesswork out of detecting malware. It automatically gathers suspicious files and executes scans of them, which can save time and effort. Using heuristics, the program also queries the McAfee Global Threat Intelligence File Reputation database to detect suspicious files. Once it has analyzed all files, the report can be downloaded.
The McAfee GetSusp is lightweight and easy to use. It comes as a single executable file and requires no technical knowledge to run. It scans your PC for malware and then gives you a report that highlights suspicious files. You can then take action to remove these files. The software has quick buttons to select your preferences. Unlike other anti-malware software, this program requires no installation and is portable.
Once you have downloaded McAfee GetSusp, you should run it as an application on your machine. The installation process is easy. Just select Actions > Product Deployment. The installation process is automated. Once finished, run the scanning process again. When you're done, open the Threat Event Log and review the detected files. Then, if you have any questions, contact the McAfee Support Center.